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Tag: OAK Collection

Ancora da DWW 2023: Oak Collection

Alzi la mano chi non ha pensato al Royal Oak, immaginando che, per un disguido la R o l’intera parola Royal, non fosse stata salvata e invece no, gli acronimi imperano ovunque e qui si riferiscono a One of A Kind, cioè un pezzo unico.

It’s easy to think about Royal Oak, but you are wrong, it means, One of a kind, a unique piece; this collection unweiled by Christie’s in London in 2022 and now during DWW 2023 with about 150 wonderful watches, has been an experience to live as it happened in Dubai since November 17th to 20th.

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OAK Collection a Londra

Dicevamo tempo fa, dopo l’atteggiamento calvinista della città svizzera che aveva fatto emigrare i ricchi arabi in U.K, che Londra stava prendendo il posto di Ginevra; idea confermata dalla Mostra Oak Collection, al Design Museum (20-24 Maggio 2022 a ingresso libero) di esemplari unici (One-of-AKind) di Patek Philippe, Rolex e altri Marchi.

Once we said that London could become a new Geneva, now wonderful OAK Collection can bee seen, free, at London Design Museum till 2022 May 24th, afterwards it will begin a World Tour; watches shops are opened in U.K. but economic news published by our newspapers are not so good.

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