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Tag: Alinghi America’s Cup

HYT per Alinghi

Ormai da molti mesi abbiamo in pole position lo skull di HYT e anche se Halloween è alle porte ci è sembrato giusto cambiare la fotografia. Quella scelta è il nuovo HYT4 realizzato per Alinghi e la sfida dell’America’s Cup.

Since many months in pole position we have HYT Skull and even if Halloween is coming soon. it’s time to change with new Hit4 for Alinghi. Audemars Piguet sponsored the boat during 2 America’s Cup and the price was unbelievable, but all the world knew the watch also for ladies and decision was worthwhile. Now there is a new Alinghi and a new watch, HYT4 with boat colors, but costs have not been devoiled. Togheter wit this watch also HYT Aviator. Leggi tutto