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Tag: Pippo Perez

Pippo Perez, un creativo a 360°

Invecchiare è nell’ordine naturale delle cose e spesso non ce ne rendiamo conto, però te ne accorgi quando vengono a mancare persone che hai conosciuto per lavoro o per semplice amicizia. Pippo Perez rientrava nel primo caso e con molto ritardo – in gennaio ero all’estero per una breve vacanza (senza computer) – ieri ho appreso della sua scomparsa.

To become older it’ s normal and often you don’t feel the age unless when somebody among friends or colleagues die. Pippo Perez was among these and only a few days ago I knew he died on last January. Pippo was a real artist and not only a designer, he realized mainly jewels but also watches (in the first Eighties Capri Time). Today his daughter is going on with the Brand, our best wishes Gaia, you had a great father.

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